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Sources - Advanced Source Citation

Author: Reference Number: AA-00274 Views: 24403 Created: 2013-11-07 11:06 AM Last Updated: 2016-06-01 09:44 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

The Advanced Source Citations feature lets you assign one or more source citations to a group of records in a family file.  The sources to be assigned are placed on the Source Clipboard.  The groups of records to be assigned to are identified by either individual tags, marriage tags or by the current search list.  You can also specify which fields are to have the source citation linked to them.

To use the Advanced Source Citation feature:

1. Backup up your family file before you start. If you make a mistake you will be glad to have a backup copy to restore from.

LEGACY: Please see the article "How to Backup a Family File and/or Media Files in Legacy" at

LEGACY 7.5 OR EARLIER: Please see the article "Backing Up a Family File in Legacy Family Tree 7.5" at

2. Define the group of records to use.  This can be either tagged individual or marriage records. You can learn how to use tagging in the free preview from the Tagging and Searching Made Easy video training CD at (Uses Legacy 7.5 as an example, but the information is helpful for all Legacy users as well.)

3. Click on Tools on the menu bar and select Advanced Sourcing.

4. Specify which group of records to use by clicking the appropriate option.  If you are using a tag group, be sure to set the tag number.

5. Specify where the citations are to be applied.  This is on the Where to Assign the Citations tab.  You can assign sources to specific fields in the individual record, marriage record, or both.

Individual - Select the Assign Citations to Individual Information checkbox and then choose between the two options: All fields that contain information or Specific fields.  If assigning to specific fields, check the fields you want to document.

Marriage - Select the Assign Citations to Marriage Information checkbox and then choose between the two radio options: All fields that contain information or specific fields.  If assigning to specific fields, check the fields you want to document.

5. Click Source Clipboard and load it with the source you want to assign and click Save to the Source Clipboard.

6. Finally, click Apply.  After confirmation Legacy will process the request.  Remember, it is a good idea to make a backup copy of your family file before making potentially large changes like this.

7. If you need additional information, please click the Help button in the screen that you are working in.

8. Click the Help button if you need additional information.


Again, please backup before using the Advanced Source Citation feature because it is very easy to inadvertently add multiple sources citations to people you did not intend, especially if you have added them to tagged individuals and tagged marriages.

You can view video demonstrations showing how to add
sources to your family file on our training CD
'Legacy's Ultimate Guide to Sources' for sale
in our
Online Store (please Click Here).