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Colors - Ancestor Colors

Author: Reference Number: AA-00276 Views: 22391 Created: 2013-11-07 11:32 AM Last Updated: 2014-07-18 04:06 PM 100 Rating/ 1 Voters

The ancestor colors work independently in Legacy and Legacy Charting. Your settings in Legacy do not affect what you see in Legacy Charting.

To turn on the Ancestor Colors

1. Go to Options > Customize > View and select "Display customer generation line colors on screen"

2. Set the Color Coding of Ancestors feature by clicking on Tools on the menu bar and then selecting Apply Ancestor Colors on the drop-down list

To include in reports

1. Note: Colors will be based on the individual whom you set the colors to in the first section.

2. Open the Report Selection screen and click the tab for the kind of report or chart that you want.

3. Click the Color Text and Boxes button to open the Custom Color screen and then select 4 Line Colors (Blue, Green, Red, Yellow) and click Save.

You can also select to use Text color only with all boxes the same color or Make/Female colors

4. Preview your report or chart and if satisfied, print it.

To stop showing Ancestor Colors

1. Go to Options > Customize > View and deselect the option for Ancestor Color Coding.

Using Ancestor Colors in Legacy Charting

These colors are independent on what you've done in Legacy and the Ancestor Colors will start with the first person in the chart.

1. Go to the Appearance tab and click on the "Colors" button. At the very top is an option "Use No Color Theme".

2. Select "Use No Color Theme" to remove the colors

3. Select the options you wish to use for Generation, 4 Colors (the Ancestor colors) or Gender.

Additional information on Ancestor Color Coding can be found in Legacy's Help topics under Ancestor: Colors