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Marriage wording options

Author: Reference Number: AA-00319 Views: 20010 Created: 2013-11-07 03:40 PM Last Updated: 2013-11-20 12:16 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

There are two places in Legacy Family Tree where default marriage wording options can be changed:

1. The Marriage Information screen: Changes made in a couples’ Marriage Information screen affect only that couple. In Family View click the long Marriage Information bar between the couple and the Children’s grid to open the Marriage Information screen. Next select the Wording Options tab and make your selections. Click the Help button for further information.
2. The Customize /View screen: Changes made in the Customize / View screen are global and affect all marriages. Click the Options tab on the menu bar and select Customize. In the Customize screen select the View tab and then click the Edit Default Marriage Wording button to open the Default Marriage Wording screen. Click the Help button for further information.

In addition, books-style reports (Ancestor, Descendant, and Multiple Lines of Descent books) have a Wording 1 tab that affects how sentences involving a couple’s children are worded. Click the Help button for further information.

• The Marriage Information screen (for one couple only):

Default Report Phrases if this is the First Marriage

The traditional (and default) phrase used when printing reports is "married".  John married Sarah..., or Sarah married John....  If the This couple did not marry option has been selected, the default changes to "had a relationship with".  John had a relationship with Sarah..., or Sarah had a relationship with John....  (The defaults for these two phrases can be changed globally in the Options > Customize > View > Default Family View Labels and Report Wording box.)  If you want to change the phrase for this marriage/partnership only, you can type a new phrase into the box.  Keep in mind that this phrase is used to build the beginning of a sentence.  The sentence will then have the date and place added to it.  John married Sarah on 12 Dec 1888 in London, England...

 Overriding the Report Phrases

If you would like to completely change the narrative wording that Legacy normally uses to construct a sentence for a report, you can change it to anything you want to.  Whereas the default wording above automatically inserts the first name of each of the spouses/partners, these new override phrases does not.  You must include the names in the phrase.  This gives you the option to modify the names and to change the order of the parts.  Johnny took Sarah as his wife ...  or Johnny and Sarah got married ... or John married his high school sweetheart Sarah ....  Again, this is the beginning portion of a sentence that will have the date and location added to it, so keep this in mind.

You must construct two versions of the sentence, one describing the husband's first marriage (or partnership) and the other describing the wife's first marriage.

 Default Report Phrases if this is Not the First Marriage

Similar to the wording for a first marriage, the default phrase used for a second or later marriage is "next married" or "next had a relationship with".  John next married Sarah..., or Sarah next had a relationship with John....  If you want to change the phrase for this subsequent marriage/partnership only, you can type a new phrase into the box.

Overriding the Report Phrases

Just as with the first marriage, you can enter your own wording for later marriages.  Later in his life Johnny got remarried to Ruth ...  or Several years after her divorce, Sarah met a man named Alfred and they were married ....  Again, this is the beginning portion of a sentence that will have the date and location added to it, so don't put a period at the end.

Again, as with the first marriage, you must construct two versions of the sentence.

• The Customize /View screen (global for all couples):

Report Phrases for First Marriage or Partnership

You can choose the default word or phrase to use when a sentence is built for a narrative-style report.  There are four variations, two for use when the couple are married (one for when the spouse is identified and the other for when the spouse is unknown) and the other two are for when they are not married (again, one for when the spouse is identified and the other for when the spouse is unknown).  When adding a marriage or partnership to your family file, these words or phrases are used by default.  For example, John married Sarah...  or John had a relationship with Sarah...   You can override these defaults on a marriage-by-marriage basis if you need to.  See the Wording Options Tab of the Marriage Information topic for more information.

Report Phrases for Subsequent Marriage or Partnership

These words or phrases are used when a second or third or later marriage or partnership is described in a report sentence.  They are generally the same as the phrase used in the first relationship - with the word "next" added to the beginning.  John next married Sarah ... or John next had a relationship with Sarah ...

Other Word Substitutes for this Marriage or Partnership

On some reports, the words Spouse and Marriage are used.  These words can be changed if desired.