The first thing to do is check your program for the options you have set for the letter case of names. On the menu bar please click Options on the menu bar and from the drop-down menu select Customize... When the Customize window opens, take a look on the Data Format tab. Under “Letter case of Given Names” and also under “Letter Case of Surnames” select Do not change what I enter for names and locations, one rules apply:
• What you type is what you get. If you make a mistake click on the down arrow to the right of the field that will open up the Master List, where you can then click on the Edit button. Editing done from this screen is not run through the formatter.
When done with this screen, click the Save button.
Next open the Master Surname List. This can be opened in two ways: if you are in a person’s Information screen click the blue down arrow button on the right side of the Surname field; or click on View on the menu bar and select Master Lists > Surname.
Next highlight the surname you need to change and click the Edit button. Correct the capitalization and then save the change. This way you can change “O’brien” to “O’Brien” or whatever.
The first thing to do is check your program for the options you have set for the letter case of locations. On the menu bar please click Options on the menu bar and from the drop-down menu select Customize... When the Customize window opens, take a look on the Data Format tab. Under “Letter Case of Location” select Do not change what I enter for names and locations, two one rules apply:
• What you type is what you get. If you make a mistake click on the down arrow to the right of the field that will open up the Master List, where you can then click on the Edit button. Editing done from this screen is not run through the formatter.
• U. S. State and Canadian Provincial abbreviations will be formatted to all upper case.
When done with this screen, click the Save button.
Next open the Master Surname List. This can be opened in two ways: if you are in a person’s Information screen click the blue down arrow button on the right side of the Surname field; or click on View on the menu bar and select Master Lists > Surname.
Next highlight the location you need to change and click the Edit button. Correct the capitalization and then save the change. This way you can change “Dewitt” to “DeWitt” or whatever.