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Letter case of a person's name is wrong and I can't change it

Author: Reference Number: AA-00403 Views: 17009 Created: 2013-11-11 03:52 PM Last Updated: 2014-09-11 11:34 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

1. The first thing to do is check your program for the options you have set for the letter case of names.  On the menu bar please click Options on the menu bar and from the drop-down menu select Customize...  When the Customize  window opens, take a look on the Data Format tab.  Under “Letter Case of Surnames” select Initial Caps and click Apply. This will change all Surnames that appear in all upper case letters to having only the first letter in uppercase.

2. If you want surnames to with only the first letter in upper case to display in all uppercase letters, under "Displaying Surname" select Show SURNAMES in uppercase letters.

3. Click Save in the lower right.

4. Next open the Master Surname List by clicking on View on the menu bar and selecting Masyer Lists > Surname. All the Surnames should now be have their first letter only in uppercase. Check the list carefully, some surnames may be in correct (Mcdonald instead of McDonald, or "Ver der mer" instead of Van der Meer, or DE la rosa instead of De la Rosa, etc.). To fix there, highlight the name, click the Edit button, make the correction and save.