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How to download a Legacy update step-by-step

Author: Reference Number: AA-00418 Views: 24635 Created: 2013-11-11 05:35 PM Last Updated: 2013-11-11 05:35 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

Please temporarily disable your Internet security (firewall, anti-virus, anti-spyware, anti-adware, popup blockers, etc.) as these programs can block the download or remove components necessary for Legacy to run. The following steps are written for Internet explorer, which works quite well with our Web site.

For computers with high speed connections:

1. Please use Internet Explorer and connect to
2. Fill in your e-mail address, no other information is needed except the verification code 2057, and then click Next Step.
3. At the next page, click the button that says Click Here to Download.
4. In the File Download - Security Warning box click Run. The update file will begin downloading. It may take several minutes. Do not cancel the download; let it complete itself.
5. If you receive a message “the publisher of this program could not be verified” click Run.
6. The Update screen will open. Click on Next. You may be asked for a password. It is  legacy7  (all one word, all lower case letters).
7. After entering the password, click the Next button. Do not change any settings.
8. When the update is complete, click the Finish button and Legacy will start.

For computers with dial-up connections or without Internet service:

1. Please use a computer with a high speed connection to the Internet. Please use Internet Explorer and connect to This computer might be at a the home of a fried or family member, a work place or a public library, etc.
2. Fill in your e-mail address, no other information is needed, and then click Next Step.
3. At the next page, click the button that says Click Here to Download.
4. In the File Download - Security Warning box click Save. A Save As dialog box will open. Change the “save in” location to a flash drive or memory stick and then click Save. The Legacy7setup file will begin downloading. It may take several minutes. Do not cancel the download; let it complete itself.
5. When the download is complete, remove the USB drive or CD and take it to the other computer with dial-up or no Internet connection.
6. Insert the flash drive or memory stick; then browse to the Legacy7Setup file on it and double-click on it to start the update installation.
7. The Update screen will open. Click on Next. If you are prompted for a password, it is  legacy7  (all one word, all lower case letters).
8. After entering the password, click the Next button. Do not change any settings. Just keep clicking Next at each step.
9. When the update is complete, click the Finish button and Legacy will start.