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Event Sentences - Overriding

Author: Reference Number: AA-00477 Views: 16828 Created: 2013-11-12 01:04 PM Last Updated: 2013-11-12 01:04 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

Overriding the Master Event Sentence (Deluxe Edition only)

There may be cases where the sentence definition for the event you are using does not produce a sentence that is exactly right for the current entry.  In this case you can override the master sentence by typing in a new one on the Sentence Override tab.  If anything at all is entered into this override field, it will replace the event sentence generated for this event record only.  You can type the sentence using the exact wording you want to see or you can use the available [fields] to represent the event field entries above.  For example, if you want to include source citations for the event, add the [Sources] field to the end of the override sentence. E.g. Jim was a bricklayer in his early years.[Sources]