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Windows - definitions of basic terms (Computer Lingo 101)

Author: Reference Number: AA-00491 Views: 23233 Created: 2013-11-13 03:42 PM Last Updated: 2014-07-18 04:32 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

A user only needs to see Merge on the toolbar or notice how many times Backup, Export, Import and, Family File appear on the File menu in Legacy to understand why he/she needs to know some basic "lingo". If a user doesn't understand what these terms mean, he/she will have problems using Legacy or won't be able to follow the directions we send to fix a problem. Knowing proper terminology will also help a user tell others more clearly about his/her computer. The most frequently misuse of words heard in Technical Support is when someone uses "program" when "family file" is meant. Worst of all was the newbie who called the computer's monitor the "thingy that looks like a TV" (no kidding).

Back Up To make a copy of your Legacy family file. This can be used for a "safety net" in case of a problem or for sending a copy of your information to a fellow researcher or family member. It may also be used to send to Support when requested. Multimedia files can also be backed up.

Backup A compressed copy of a Legacy family file and/or the multimedia files (pictures, sound bites and video clips) linked to a family file. A Legacy backup file has a .zip extension.

Browse In Windows, "browse" means to view the file names in your disk directories. Clicking the names of the drives and folders switches you to the location you wish to go. To browse into the Legacy directory on your hard drive means open the C: drive for viewing and then open the Legacy directory (also called a folder) which is on the C: drive.

Download The process of transferring files from another computer on a network or the Internet “down” to a user’s computer. It is also used to describe the transfer of photos from a camera memory card to a computer.

Export To save data in a form that another program can read. For example, to export your Legacy family file information as a GEDCOM file for use in a different genealogy program like PAF. (Click on File > Export To for a menu of export options.)

Extension The one to three characters after the period (dot) in a filename. The extension tells the computer and the programs installed on it what the file is. For example, the .exe extension tells a computer that a file is an executable file (a program). The .ged extension tells a genealogy program that the file is a GEDCOM file. The .fdb extension indicates that the file is a family database (a Legacy family file).

Family File The database file that contains genealogical information about individuals and families. A Legacy family file has an .fdb extension. A Legacy family file is opened in the Legacy program.

File A computer file is similar to a paper document holding related information or instructions. For example, each computer file is stored as a specific unit, designated by its own filename and extension. There are family files (e.g. sample.fdb), program files (e.g. legacy.exe), picture files (e.g. asabrown.jpg), backup files (e.g., etc.

Folder A grouping of files, similar to a file folder in your filing cabinet. C:\Legacy is a folder. A folder is sometimes called a directory.

GEDCOM Genealogical Data Communications. A file format standard for use in transferring genealogical information from one program to another.

Import The process of transferring data from one genealogy application to another. For example, to import a GEDCOM file created in Family Tree Maker into Legacy Family Tree. (Click on File > Import From for a menu of import options.)

Install To set up or load and configure a program from an installation CD or from a setup file downloaded from the Internet.

Merge Combining duplicate records within a family file. If there are two or more records for the same individual within your family file, merging will combine their information into one record.

Monitor A monitor is the electronic device for visually displaying computer data and images. Sometimes called the "screen" or the "display".

Multimedia A collective term meaning pictures, Word documents, text files, spreadsheets, video clips and sound bites, etc. attached to a Legacy family file.

Program A computer application or software that performs specific functions and tasks. Legacy Family Tree is an example of a genealogy program.

Root Folder or Directory The lowest level on a device like a hard drive or CD where files and folders are stored. For example the Root folder for the C drive is C:\.

Sub-folder A secondary folder inside or “nested” within another folder. The Data folder under C:\Legacy is a sub-folder. A sub-folder is sometimes called a sub-directory.

Uninstall To properly remove a program from the computer. This is usually done via the program's own uninstall utility, or by using Add/Remove in Control Panel.

Upload To transfer a file from a desktop computer to another computer on a network or “up” to a web server.