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Media - Picture Center

Author: Reference Number: AA-00542 Views: 25849 Created: 2013-11-19 02:37 PM Last Updated: 2017-03-08 07:06 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

The Picture Center in the Legacy Deluxe Edition is a very easy way to link many pictures to many individuals from one place. You will often come upon pictures in groups that you want to link to the people in your family file. For example, you might have a box or picture album of many pictures that you then scan into your computer. The pictures are associated with several different individuals. The Picture Center lets you link in these pictures to anyone in your file from one convenient place within the program.

To reach the Picture Center, click on Tools on the menu bar and then click the Picture Center button on the ribbon.

In its simplest form, there are three main sections to the Picture Center screen. On the left is a list of all the individuals in your family file. In the middle is a list of the pictures on your computer. On the right is a preview window showing the highlighted picture.

To assign a particular picture to a specific individual:

  1. Highlight the individual in the left window.
  2. Find and highlight the desired picture in the upper-center window.
  3. Click the Attach button near the lower-right corner. This will add the picture to the individual’s picture list.

There are many options associated with this process. These are described below:

The Name List

By default, the list of Names shows all the individuals in your family file. You can choose to show just the names in the current Search List by selecting the Search List option above the list. (See Searching for more information on creating a Search List.)

The Find box above the list lets you quick jump to anyone in the list by typing part or all of their name. Enter the name with the surname first, followed by a comma and then the given name(s). The highlight line jumps to the nearest match as you are typing.

Active Pedigree Chart

Below the list of Names is a two-generation pedigree chart showing the currently highlighted person and his or her parents. You can jump to either parent by clicking their name. There is also a button to the left of the main person. If the button is blue then it means that person has children and clicking the button takes you down to the preferred child.

The Picture List

The Picture Filename list shows all the supported picture, sound and video file formats supported by Legacy. The current folder name is shown in the title bar of the window. You can change to a different folder by clicking the Browse button above the list. To choose a particular picture, sound or video, highlight the name by clicking on it. If it is a picture file, it will display in the preview window to the right (If you have the Picture List tab selected).

The U column to the left of the file names indicates whether or not each picture has been assigned to someone in your family file already. The + means that picture in that folder has been assigned to someone. The - means that filename has been assigned to someone but from a different picture folder. For example, you may be looking at grandpa.bmp in the Legacy\Pictures folder but another file called grandpa.bmp in the Legacy\Reunion\Pictures folder is currently being used somewhere in your file. (You should be careful not to have different picture files with the same name located in different folders. It will surely confuse you at some point...

Attached Pictures

Below the Picture Filename list is the Attached Pictures list. It shows a list of all the events for the currently highlighted person and any pictures that have been assigned to those events. You can view the pictures from this list by first clicking the Attached Pics tab in the upper-right corner of the window, and then clicking on the desired picture name in the list. The complete filename for the highlighted picture, including the folder where it is stored, is displayed along the bottom of the window.

Previewing the Pictures

The Picture List tab

When the Picture List tab is selected, you can preview the pictures that are highlighted in the Picture Filename list to the left.


Clicking the Zoom button opens a QuickLook window showing a larger view of the current picture. This window can be stretched to the full size of your monitor if desired. Click the X in the upper-right corner to close the QuickLook window.


You can change the name of the currently highlight file in the Picture Filename ;ist by clicking the Rename button. The file is then renamed on disk. If the file has a + in the U column, any links to this picture within your family file are also renamed to match the change you made.


If you want to erase the currently highlighted picture file in the Picture Filename list, click the Delete button. After confirmation, Legacy erases the file from the current folder. If any links to this file exist in your family file, they are removed. (If the picture is linked to anyone in a different family file, deleting the file will cause a "picture file not found" error when trying to access it from there.)

Caption, Date, Description, File ID #

You can enter caption, date and description information before assigning a picture to an individual. There is also a field for a File ID # if you are assigning these numbers to your pictures. These entries are remembered by Legacy for future use even if the picture has not been assigned to anyone yet.

The Attached Pic tab

Clicking on the Attached Pic tab lets you view those pictures that have already been linked to the current individual.


(Same as Zoom on the Picture List tab.)


(Same as Rename on the Picture List tab.)


Clicking the Remove button unlinks the currently highlighted picture in the Assigned Pictures list from the current event in the list. It does not delete the file from the disk.

Caption, Date, Description, File ID #

You can view and edit the caption, date, description and file ID number entries for the current picture.

Set Preferred

Click the Set Preferred button to change the preferred picture setting for any event that has more than one picture assigned to it. (The preferred picture is the one that prints on reports.)

Changing the Order

If there is more than one picture assigned to an event for the current individual, you can change the picture order by using the up and down Order arrow buttons. Highlight the filename you want to move and click the appropriate arrow to change its position up or down. You can also move a picture from one event to another using these buttons. If a filename is at the bottom of the event section, clicking the down arrow button moves the picture down to the first position in the next event. The up arrow moves a picture to previous events in the same manner.


Clicking the Attach button links the current picture highlighted in the Picture Filename list to the current individual highlighted in the Name list in the event highlighted in the Assigned Pictures list. The caption, date, description and file ID number from the Picture List tab go along with the assignment.

If you want to assign a picture to more than one individual, for example to all the people in a family reunion photo:

  1. Highlight the desired picture in the Picture Filename list.
  2. Fill in the caption, date, description and file ID number fields as desired.
  3. Make sure to highlight the event where you want to place the picture in the Assigned Pictures list.
  4. Click the Assign button.
  5. Highlight the next person.
  6. Click the Assign button again.
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 until the picture has been assigned to the desired group. (You can change the caption, date, and description fields between each attachment if needed.)


The Zoom button to the right of the Attach button is used to select the font size used in the various list of the screen. (See Zooming Grids for more information.)


To close the Picture Center, click Close. All captions, date, descriptions and file ID numbers you filled in while in the center are remembered and will appear the next time you open the center.