Slide Shows and Sliding Picture Shows
Author: Reference Number: AA-00545 Views: 15700 Created: 2013-11-19 03:03 PM Last Updated: 2013-11-19 03:05 PM |
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Slide Shows and Sliding Picture Shows
Slide Shows
To view a sequential Slide Show of all the pictures in the Picture Gallery, along with their sound files, click Slide....
Sliding Picture Show
You can start a Sliding Picture Show by clicking the Screen Show button in the Picture Gallery or by clicking the Display Slider Show button in the Picture Scrapbook Options window.

What is a Slide Show?
A slide show is an automated sequential display of a group of pictures, sounds or video clips along with playing any sound files that are connected to the pictures. This can give you a narrated display of an individual's pictures.
To reach the Slide Show window, click Slide Show from the Picture Gallery. When the window appears, the first picture is displayed.
Starting the Show
To start the slide show, click Start. The pictures will begin displaying with a three second delay between them. If a sound file is connected to the picture, it is played through completely before the next picture is displayed, even if it lasts longer than three seconds.
Stopping the Show
To stop a slide show in action, click the Stop button. This can give you a longer look at a particular picture. To continue the show, click Continue.
Moving Manually
Whenever the slide show is not running, you can manually move forward and backward through the pictures by clicking Next and Previous or by left-clicking or right-clicking on the picture itself.
You can turn the sound on and off by checking or un-checking the Play Sound box.
Changing the Display Time
To change the time delay between pictures, either click the right or left arrows on the Time Delay bar, or drag the scroll bar handle to the right or left. This can be done at any time, even during a running slide show.
Sliding Picture Show

What is a Sliding Picture Show?
The Sliding Picture Show displays the pictures from the people you have selected by sliding them across the screen in various sizes and various speeds. The effect is like a screen saver. The following options are available while viewing the show:
Clicking on any picture brings it to front and center so you can look at it more closely without having other pictures slide in front of it. The picture name and owner are shown below it. If you are showing pictures from more than one person, you can go to the picture’s owner by clicking Jump to This Individual. To resume the show, click the OK button.
Clicking on the background ends the show and closes the window.
Right-clicking on the background toggles through six background colors: white, blue, black, gradated blue-to-black from the top down, gradated blue-to-black from the left to right, and gradated blue-to-black diagonally across the screen. The background that is being used when the show is closed will be used the next time the show is run.