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Legacy Charting vs Legacy Charting Companion

Author: Reference Number: AA-00589 Views: 16638 Created: 2013-11-21 11:55 AM Last Updated: 2016-06-06 11:33 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

Sometimes we're asked "Do I need both?"  It depends on what you want to do.

Legacy Charting, which comes with Legacy, is created by our programmers.

Legacy Charting Companion is created by Progeny Software (originally as an add on for Legacy 6 which did not have a charting feature built in like Legacy 7 and higher does).

The interface between the two is quite different. Legacy Charting Companion contains some of the charts that can be created in Legacy as well as Legacy Charting.

Legacy Charting has the additional ability to create drop-down style charts like those created in TreeDraw Legacy, although it's *much* easier in Legacy Charting!

You can get more details about Charting Companion at The Legacy version which we sell will only import Legacy .fdb files.

Legacy Charting will import files from Legacy, gedcom, PAF, Family Tree Maker and RootsMagic.