I want to gather my media (attached pictures, documents, etc.) into one place. They are scattered all over my computer.
It is often an advantage to keep all of your family pictures and other media files in one place. It is much easier to make a backup of all the media files associated with a particular family file if they are all in the same folder.
1.The first step in gathering your pictures and other media files is to select the folder you want to use. The current Media folder is shown near the bottom of the window. To change the Media folder, click the link: Click here to Change. Choose the desired folder. (You can also create a new folder from the Select a Folder window.)

2. Now click the large Gather My Media button. Legacy proceeds to copy all the media files linked into your family file into the new folder and changes all the links to point to the new location.

Note: When you gather all the pictures and other documents that are linked into your family file into one folder, the they are copied to the new location and the original files are left where they are. They are not deleted.
If you have media files that are linked into more than one family file and you gather them into a new folder, since the originals are still around, the links in the other family file(s) are not affected.
If you want to gather all the media files for multiple family files into one folder, simply set the Media folder for each family file to the same desired folder and then do a Gather My Media for each one. All the links will be correctly reset to the common Media folder. When the gathering process is completed, an Undo button appears below the Gather My Media button. If, for some reason, you would like to undo all the link changes to their original locations, click this button. Any files that were copied to the new media folder are left there.