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How to Check/Repair your family file

Author: Reference Number: AA-00749 Views: 49134 Created: 2013-12-23 03:53 PM Last Updated: 2016-06-06 11:43 AM 0 Rating/ 1 Voters

Regular maintenance will help you keep your family file in good working order. Just as you don't wait for a steady red engine light to tell you it's past time for your car's oil change, don't wait for problems to popup in Legacy to tell your it's past time to repair your family file.

Check/Repair should be done before any operation that will make global changes to your family file:

     • Upgrading to a new version of Legacy as well as updating (adding fixes and enhancements) to your current version.
     • Importing files, merging duplicate individuals, renumbering RINs, global search and replace, running Legacy FamilySearch, etc.

For more information see Check and Repair Family File in Legacy's Help system (Help topic 8-0054 : 30626).

1. Click on File and select File Maintenance > Check/Repair.

2. Start the Check/Repair. There are two screens, each with a Proceed button to click.


3. There are over 190 steps. Don't stop the Check/Repair.

4. If any error messages occur during the Check/Repair process, click No to finish with the repair. (Sometimes you might need to click Yes.)

5. If an Error.Log  is created at the end of the Check/Repair process, close it and run Check/Repair again.

6. Most of the time, at the end of the second pass through Check/Repair there is no Error.Log because all the problems got fixed. This is good because your goal is no Error.Log. However, if the Error.Log is created again, the items listed in it will have to be manually repaired. (These are typically things like the gender of a Husband and Wife being swapped, or a man linked to himself as his own father, etc.)