1. Select the File tab on the Ribbon bar.
2. Next click on Restore File.

3. If there is a family file open, you must close it before you can proceed. Click Yes.

4. Browse to your backup file and click Open. In the example below, the backup file was saved on a Cruzer USB flash drive. Legacy uses a standard Windows screen for browsing to the backup location, which in the example is Computer > Cruzer (H:). If you do not know how to browse to your backup file, please Click Here.

Note: If you try a multimedia backup you will get a message that it does not contain a family file for restoring. Click Here for the steps to restore a Media Backup file.
5. The Enter a Name to Restore the Family File as screen will appear. The family file name will already be filled in. The important thing about this screen is where your family file will be restored. Navigate to the directory (folder) where you keep your family files and click Save. In the example below, the restored file will be saved in My Documents under the Legacy Family Tree\Data subfolder. If you do not know how to browse to your Data subfolder, please Click Here.

6. If a family file by same name already exists, you will have the opportunity to either Rename or Overwrite. Overwriting is the simplest choice and avoids the problem of creating multiple, confusing copies that vary as to the name and the number of individuals in them. (But there may be special circumstances where you want to rename the file to avoid writing over existing information.)
If there is no existing family file, you will not see the Family File Already Exists screen.

7. To open the restored file click Yes.

Click Here for the steps to restore a Media Backup file.
Click Here for the steps to backup a Legacy family file and/or media files in Legacy.