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Implementing new Legacy FamilySearch features / Suggestions for Legacy FamilySearch

Author: Reference Number: AA-00891 Views: 11996 Created: 2014-05-12 01:45 PM Last Updated: 2014-08-12 04:39 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

If you want to submit a suggestion for Legacy FamiySearch, please visit However, not every suggestion can be implemented because our Legacy programmers are limited to those features that FamilySearch engineers provide the API code for. Sometimes our users ask questions like, "When will Legacy FamilySearch let me add pictures and stories to FamilySearch?" or "When will Legacy FamilySearch let me add everyone in my file to the Family Tree by pressing just one button?", etc. Better questions might be "When will FamilySearch allow pictures and stories to be added by programs like Legacy?" or "Why doesn't FamilySearch allow people to upload all their genealogy by pressing just one button?"