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GEDCOM Files - How to upload a GEDCOM file to FamilySearch

Author: Reference Number: AA-00938 Views: 20519 Created: 2014-08-12 04:35 PM Last Updated: 2014-10-08 12:02 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

Can I upload a GEDCOM file to the Family Tree at FamilySearch?

Yes, but you cannot do it using Legacy FamilySearch. You will have to use Legacy Family Tree. To upload your family information, first create a GEDCOM file. Your GEDCOM file can be up to 100 MB (this is a FamilySearch limitation, not Legacy's).

To export a GEDCOM file from Legacy Family Tree:

1. Choose Export to > GEDCOM File from the File menu. The GEDCOM Export window appears.
2. In the Produce file for: box, select GEDCOM 5.5. (Standard).
3. Click the Privacy Options button to open the Privacy Options screen. In the lower half of the screen, under Override Private Settings, click the Check All button and then click Save. If you need more information, click the Help button.
4. When you are ready to export, click the Select File Name and START EXPORT button. Legacy prompts you for a file name and location, and then creates the GEDCOM file for you. Pay attention to the location where you save the GEDCOM file. You will need to be able to locate it in order to upload it.
5. If you need assistance creating a GEDCOM with Legacy please send a message to
6. To upload the GEDCOM you just created, please review the directions in the article Uploading GEDCOM Files and Copying the Information to Family Tree at If this link does not connect you to the article, click the Family Tree button  and enter the word GEDCOM under Search within: Family Tree and press Enter on your keyboard.

7. Next scroll to Uploading GEDCOM files and copying the information to Family Tree.
8. You may also be interested in Preparing genealogy data before uploading GEDCOM to Family Tree at
9. If you need upload assistance, please contact FamilySearch Support. (Legacy support cannot help you with FamilySearch upload issues.)