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Potential Problems icons for 'Surname all uppercase'

Author: Reference Number: AA-00952 Views: 21704 Created: 2014-09-11 12:47 PM Last Updated: 2014-10-07 01:09 PM 0 Rating/ Voters

How to permanently fix the red Potential Problems icons for 'Surname all uppercase'

Uppercase Surnames are no longer the genealogy standard, hence the red Potential Problems icon.

1. To open your Master Surname List click on View > Master Lists > Surname. Your can also open it from the Individual's Information screen by clicking the down arrow to the right of the Surname field. 

2. If your Master Surname List is a jumble of all CAPS, all lower case and mixed case Surnames like the screen shot below, we recommend that you globally fix the problem so that Surnames are consistent.

3. Close the Master Surname List and click on Options > Customize > 3. Data Format.  Next  go to 3.3 Letter Case of Surnames, then select Initial Caps and click Apply. Confirm the action and Legacy will parse your Master Surname List, correcting names like 'BROWN' to 'Brown' and 'clark' to 'Clark' and 'Goass Or GOSS' to 'Goass Or Goss.'  By the way, names like 'McCall' and 'McGee' will remain as 'McCall' and 'McGee.'

4. If you like seeing your SURNAMES displayed in all upper case, go to 3.4 Displaying Surnames and check mark Show SURNAMES in uppercase letters and click Save. Your Master Surname List will now look like screen shot below and you won't see any red Potential Problems icons warning about "Surname all uppercase" anywhere in your family file. You can still include uppercase surnames in reports (click the Report Options button and select the Format tab) and web pages (on the Other tab).

5. If you need to 'tweak' a surname, open the Master Surname List, then highlight the Surname and click the Edit button on the right side of the list. Correct the problem and Save, making sure the change is applied to all records using the surname.