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All the Ways to get Support for Legacy Family Tree Software

Author: Ron Cannon Reference Number: AA-01039 Views: 28663 Created: 2016-03-18 10:37 AM Last Updated: 2016-05-23 09:30 AM 0 Rating/ 1 Voters


Finding Out What Went Wrong…

Legacy Software Support

Our technical support staff can answer questions only about Legacy. Questions about Microsoft Windows, family history programs made by other companies, or genealogical research in general cannot be answered. For help with Windows, please consult your Windows user guide. For help with genealogical research, contact your local library, genealogical society, or historical society.


Technical Support

If you are a registered user of the Deluxe Edition of Legacy, you can get free technical support and notification of product upgrades.

There are many ways to get answers to your questions using Legacy be it software support or how-to questions. Below is a list…

1.   Read the Legacy  manual as there are screenshots and helpful hints. Search the Index in the back of the manual to see if the subject is listed.

2.   Have you seen the Legacy training CD’s created by Geoff Rasmussen?

3.   Try watching the “Legacy for Beginners” video as it is a 45 minute long video that that covers the basics of starting a family file in Legacy. It can be watched by choosing it on the Legacy installation CD or from within Legacy and an internet connection and then choose HELP at the top and then choose “Beginners Video.”

4.   Try the Help Index from within Legacy. When you run into a problem or have a question while using Legacy, click Help and then choose “Help Index Icon” or press F1. The help system is context-sensitive and tries to answer questions about the current task. Type in a keyword in the top left area and then hit the Enter key on your keyboard for a list of help subjects that you can click on to read.

5.    If your program is locked up, frozen or not working right, try quitting the program and rebooting the computer. Sometimes Windows just needs a fresh start.

6.    Have you visited our Webinar website? If not, we have hundreds of webinars that cover many subjects. You can subscribe monthly or yearly at a very low cost. If you are not a member we still have many free webinar videos to watch. You can reach the website by going directly from your Internet browser and enter the website address which is

7.   Try visiting our huge Knowledge Base (KB) website that has hundreds of helpful support topics. Many have screenshots and instructions that you can print out. From within Legacy just click on Help and then choose “Tech Support.” Once there you can type in keywords or an error number in the top right area of the screen and then choose from the list below. This KB is updated often and we are adding new subjects when we see the need. The direct website link is Or from within Legacy choose Help at the top and then choose “Tech Support”.

8.   You can now join our new “Legacy User Group” Facebook page and ask fellow Legacy users your question. This is a very active group and we have thousands of Legacy users eager to share their Legacy knowledge. The support team often drops in with helpful hints and or ideas. Just log into your Facebook account and then at the top where you see “Search Facebook” enter “Legacy User Group” to join this closed group. The direct website is

     You can create a support ticket from within Legacy by choosing Help at the top and then choose the “Support Ticket Icon” be sure and fill out as much information that you can as this will help us when we email you back.

      If You would like to email us directly please include your name, deluxe customer number, email address, the version of Legacy you have installed along with your question or problem. Our email address is