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Family File Opened By Another User

Author: Reference Number: AA-00503 Views: 15971 Created: 2013-11-14 11:08 AM Last Updated: 2013-11-20 11:06 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

There could be three possible causes:

• Try closing your programs and restarting your computer. Add-on programs (Legacy Charting, Legacy FamilySearch, Gen Smarts, TreeDraw, etc.) use the Legacy family file and if they are running you will get the "Family File Opened By Another User" message.

• With Legacy closed, use Windows Explorer (My Computer) to browse into the folder where your family file is saved and delete the file (if any) that has a file with a .LDB extension. .LDB files are Record-Locking Information files that tell the computer that the family file is opened by another user. LDB files are temporary files automatically created when a family file is opened and they are automatically deleted when the family file closes properly. If the family file closes suddenly (Legacy crashes, or Legacy is closed from the Task Manager, or your computer loses power) the .LDB file may not get deleted like it should.

• Sometimes, rarely, there is a problem in the family file and we have to fix it here. Ask for directions on how to send us your family file for repair.