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Cannot update from Legacy Home tab

Author: Reference Number: AA-00419 Views: 27236 Created: 2013-11-11 05:38 PM Last Updated: 2016-05-27 09:39 AM 75 Rating/ 3 Voters

1. The ability to update from the Legacy Home tab is a Deluxe feature. Make sure that your Deluxe features are unlocked. To verify this in Legacy, please click on Help and select About Legacy. The small Legacy screen will show either Deluxe Edition or Standard Edition and the full version number in the lower left corner. To verify this in Legacy 7.5 or earlier, please click on Help and select General Information. The Information screen will show whether you have the either Deluxe Edition or Standard Edition and also display your name and customer number if you have deluxe.

2. Open the Legacy Home tab and click on the Options button in the upper right and select Check The Internet Now. Next, try updating again.

3. Occasionally, our web site might be down temporarily. Try updating again later.

4. Browse into the Legacy folder at C:\Program Files\Legacy (or C:\Program Files (x86) if you have a 64-bit computer) and delete the LegacyHome folder. Next, please visit visit This will replace the LegacyHome folder that you deleted, and by the way update your program.

5. Make sure that your computer has a default web browser set, preferably Internet Explorer, in the Control Panel under Internet Options/Programs. (The Firefox and Google Chrome web browsers require that you download and save a file to your hard drive before it can be run.) Under Internet Options/Advanced what is your setting for scripts in the browsing section? Make sure debugging disabled and display notifications of script errors are turned OFF. Also click the "Restore advanced settings" button. You could also try the "Reset..." button on the Advanced tab. On the Internet Options/Security tab click the "Reset all zones to default level".

6. Reset your Web browser's options for security to the default settings.

7. Reset Legacy’s temporary folder by clicking on Options on the menu bar, then select Customize and click the Locations tab. Next, click the Reset button for the 'Location of Temporary Files'.

8. Sometimes people have problems trying to update their program because their Internet security software (firewall, antivirus program, popup blocker, anti-spyware program, etc.) is blocking it. To get around this, please temporarily disable your Internet security software during installation. Also the makers of many of these applications have instructions for adding programs like Legacy to an "allowed" list.

9. We had a user recently who could not connect to the Internet in Legacy because she had 3 antivirus programs and 2 firewalls running on her computer. Uninstalling the redundant security programs fixed the connectivity problem instantly.

10. Customize your Legacy program to always use Internet Explorer or other preferred Web browser. The Customize screen is reached by choosing Customize from the Options menu. Next click the Launch tab. In the Customize – Launch  screen set the Alternate Web Browser by clicking the Change button and specify the drive and path to the web browser you would like to use. (For example, Internet Explorer may be located at: C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Iexplore.exe)  Next click the Locations  tab and in the Customize - Locations , click the Reset button for the 'Location of temporary files.' Save your changes by clicking on the Save button in the lower left corner of the screen.

11. If the problem persists, a clean reinstallation of Legacy should fix the problem. Ask Legacy Technical Support for the steps to do this.