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Dates showing as 1723/1724 or similar

Author: Reference Number: AA-00445 Views: 16391 Created: 2013-11-12 11:09 AM Last Updated: 2014-03-27 11:43 PM 25 Rating/ 1 Voters

If you see dates like Feb. 16, 1723/24, this is the Double Dating feature.

Prior to 1752 in Great Britain and it's colonies, the New Year started on March 25. With the implementation of the Gregorian calendar, the New Year started on January 1. Legacy supports the practice of double dating to handle the time period between the changeover from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar. To turn this feature on, click Customize on the Options menu, and then click the Dates tab. With this feature selected, entering a date that falls between January 1, 1583 and March 24, 1752 (or any cutoff date you specify) displays it as a double date. You can specifically enter the double date, such as Feb. 16, 1723/24 or Feb 16 1723/1724, in which case Legacy displays it as Feb 16, 1723/24. If you don't include the second year, Legacy accepts the year you entered as the second year. Jan 16, 1652 becomes Jan 16, 1651/52.