Problems Installing or Reinstalling Legacy
Author: Reference Number: AA-00570 Views: 28103 Created: 2013-11-21 09:48 AM Last Updated: 2017-07-20 10:29 AM |
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When you cannot install Legacy, or when a clean re-installation does not work, then the issue might be a bad CD or a conflict with another program or a system driver, a spyware or virus infection, or a problem in the computer’s Registry. Here are some additional things to try in the order given below:
1. Restart your computer. Whether you believe it or not, it actually works in some cases.
2. If you are installing from a CD, it might be dirty or scratched or damaged in some other way. You can download the most recent version of your Legacy Family Tree Deluxe program, free from the following link:
Legacy: http://www.LegacyFamilyTree.com/DownloadNewLegacy8Deluxe.asp
LEGACY 8 OR EARLIER: http://support.legacyfamilytree.com/article/AA-00899 and download the final release (build) of your version. You may also wish to read "How to Install Legacy 7.5 or earlier on a Windows 8, Windows 7 or Windows Vista computer" at http://support.legacyfamilytree.com/article/AA-00897.
3. Make sure the computer account you log in with has full administrative permissions. Next, update critical system drivers, in particular the video driver. The NVIDIA driver has been a problem with many users. If you have an NVIDIA driver:
(1) Right click on the Legacy icon. (2) Select "Run with Graphics Processor" (3) Select "Integrated Graphics" as opposed to "High Performance NVIDIA Processor"
Other users have updated their NVIDIA video driver to resolve the problem. If Legacy now works, you can stop here. If you don't have an NVIDIA driver (or this steps didn't work), go to the next step.
4. If you still have a problem installing Legacy, please visit the Microsoft page at http://support.microsoft.com/mats/Program_Install_and_Uninstall. The online "Fix it" tool here resolves problems that prevent programs from being completely uninstalled and blocking new installations and updates.
5. If you have Windows 8, upgrade to Windows 8.1. If you have earlier versions of Windows, make sure that all available Service Packs are applied.
6. Do a thorough scan for viruses, spyware, adware, etc. and remove the threats.
7. There are a few Internet security programs will block Legacy. Some of these include programs made by Kaspersky, McAfee, and Trend Micro, etc. which actually contain spyware, adware and dialers. If you have a problem anti-virus programs on your computer uninstall it. You can also replace your current ant-virus programs with AVG Free. Please visit http://free.avg.com/us-en/homepage.
8. Overly protective: If you have multiple firewall and/or anti-virus programs, remove them and use only the Windows firewall and one anti-virus program. (Recently we have seen Legacy problems that resisted every effort to repair them. We discovered in some instances that the users had multiple anti-virus programs and/or firewalls, etc. running on their computers. In each case, uninstalling the redundant security programs fixed Legacy instantly.)
9. Remove/uninstall programs that you don't use/need. Did you install a new program just before the Legacy problem started? If so, remove the new program.
10. To fix a possible DLL problem, please visit the Microsoft page at http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2019235, then scroll down the page to 'Fix it for me' and click on the Fix It buttons (one is for Windows 8 and the other is for Windows 7, etc.). Next, click Run in the File Download dialog box, and follow the steps in this wizard.
11. If the error is caused by a damaged system file you can try these steps:
(1) Click the Start button in the left corner of your desktop screen. (2) Next select All Programs > Accessories, then right click on Command Prompt and Run as administrator. (3) Type "SFC /SCANNOW" (without the quotes) and press Enter on your keyboard. This starts a Windows system scan and attempts to repair any errors it finds. This process will take some time. (4) If, at the end of the scan, it displays a message indicating that it found errors and could not fix them, then run it a second time. (5) If the message is along the lines that it found errors and fixed them all, then type "Exit" without the quotes to close the command prompt window and see if that resolves your problem.
If the message is "Windows Resource Protection did not find any integrity violations", then corrupt system files are not your problem.
12. Restore your computer to a point before Legacy stopped working. Consult you Windows help system for the steps to do a Restore Point.
13. Open the Legacy folder on your hard drive, and then press Ctrl + A on your keyboard to highlight all the files. Next right-click on one of the highlighted files, and then select Properties from the bottom of the popup menu. In the Properties screen uncheck Hidden attribute and click Apply and OK. Repeat this procedure for the Data folder (or whatever folder you have your family file(s) saved in.
14. Let's try copying the contents of the Legacy folder into a new folder (sometimes this actually works!):
(1) Use Windows Explorer to browse into your hard drive and right-click on the Legacy folder. (2) On the popup menu select Rename and rename the folder to zLegacy. (3) Right-click and select New > Folder and name the new folder Legacy. (4) Open the zLegacy folder and press Ctrl+A on your keyboard to highlight all of the files and subfolders. (5) Press Ctrl+C to copy everything onto the Windows Clipboard (you won't see anything happen because the action happens in the background where you can't see it). (6) Open the new Legacy folder and press Ctrl+V to paste all of the files from the Windows Clipboard into the new folder. (7) Close the folder and start Legacy from the icon on your desktop screen) Hopefully your family file will open.
15. If the above steps did not work, reboot you computer in Safe Mode and try Legacy again. If Legacy runs as it should in Safe Mode then there is probably a conflict somewhere in your system. Consult you Windows help system for the steps to reboot in Safe Mode.