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TNG Website Software and Legacy's Shared Events

Author: Reference Number: AA-00620 Views: 24478 Created: 2013-11-27 12:33 PM Last Updated: 2016-05-25 10:23 AM 0 Rating/ 1 Voters

TNG is a program used to create websites and requires a gedcom for that purpose. The Gedcom standard doesn't support Shared Events, however programs which use them can export those "shares" to the Gedcom by using non-standard tags and hopefully the importing program can read them.

Now that we have Shared Events in Legacy, those of you using TNG will find that you won't be able to show those in your web pages, just standard events, since TNG does not support Shared Events. This issue has been raised on the TNG Users list, but that programmer has not committed to implementing Shared Events.

The TNG website is at and you might want to add your comments to their forum if you wish to show Shared Events on your webpages created by that program.

In the meantime, you'll find that Legacy's Web Page Creation does include Shared Events.  To create web pages in Legacy, click on the tab for the Internet ribbon and select the web page style you wish to create. In the Web Page Creation Options window, click on the "What" tab and then click on the "Event Options" button to find the options for those events.