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Legacy converted a family file that ended up with 0 people in it

Author: Reference Number: AA-00723 Views: 12929 Created: 2013-12-15 12:36 AM Last Updated: 2016-05-25 10:30 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

We have observed that if you delete a family file, when you click on File > Open File > "Have Legacy create a list of files to choose from" that the name of the deleted (or moved) file will still be in the list.

If you click on the deleted file name, Legacy won't find it and will ask "Do you want to create <filename.fdb> as a new file?" If the user clicks "Yes" Legacy will create a new empty file (0 people, 0 marriages) with the same name.

We strongly recommend that each time you go back to the list of files that you click Refresh List. Then the deleted files will no longer show and it will find the any files the users might have moved, so there's no chance of making an empty family file this way again.