Character Ribbon
When entering information, Legacy offers a feature to
help you quickly enter international characters (letters with diacritics) like á é
í ó ú ñ. These preset characters on the Character Ribbon can be exchanged for other characters such as ç ø and ß as well as special characters not on the keyboard, like £ ® and ¼. See Character Map below.
The Character Ribbon will hold up to eight characters that are displayed in a ribbon on all input
screens. This ribbon can be turned off if not needed. Click Help for additional information. Whenever you need one of these letters within a field, simply
clicking on one automatically fills it in where you are typing.
It's important to know that Legacy only supports Western European fonts (English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Dutch, and the Scandinavian languages). The program does not support Unicode (Eastern European fonts, like Russian, Asian fonts, Hebrew, or any other non-Western European fonts). This situation may change at some time in the future.
For a work-around see Non-western European languages, fonts and character sets.
Character Map
The Character Map is also used to select characters that are not
found on the keyboard.

The Character Map can be reached two different ways. The
first is by pressing F6 while in any input field. Any characters
selected from the Character Map are returned and enter at the current
cursor position. The second way to reach the Character Map is to click
small blue button at the top of the Special Character ribbon on every input
screen. The map is then used to select up to eight characters to fill the
ribbon. The characters on the ribbon are then immediately available for adding
to input fields. Click on Help for more
How to Select Characters
Double-clicking on any characters in the list, copies the character
up to the Characters to Return field at the top. When selecting
characters to place in an input field, you can choose as many as you want. For
example, if you wanted to enter the word posição you might first enter
posi in the field, press F6 and then double-click on the letters
ção. This would put the remainder of the word in the Characters to
Return field. Clicking the Return Characters button would return the
characters and finish the word in the input field.
If you are filling the Special Characters ribbon, double-click
on up to eight characters that you will be using the most. For example, á é
í ó ú ñ.
Keyboard Strokes
Some users prefer using keyboard strokes to add international characters without taking hands off the keyboard. By highlighting a character on the Character Map you can see the strokes that can be used to enter a character. For example, to enter the country Prueßen (Prussia) you might first enter Prue in the field, then hold down the Alt key while pressing 0223 and finish by entering en.

Ti watch the free video demonstration, please visit Using the Character Ribbon.
International Versions of Legacy
To learn more about international versions of Legacy, please visit