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This app has been blocked for your protection

Author: Jairmie French Reference Number: AA-01032 Views: 80213 Created: 2016-02-18 12:59 PM Last Updated: 2016-02-18 12:59 PM 100 Rating/ 2 Voters

This app has been blocked for your protection:

Image result for the app has been blocked for your protection windows 10

This error happens because Microsoft has implemented a new security feature for Windows 10 that blocks any app that does not have a 2016 security signature.

To get past this error you need to do the following:

Step 1: Launch Start Menu, search and select Command Prompt. Then right-click on it and choose Run as Administrator from the context menu.

Step 2: Type the following command without quotes at the Command Prompt and then hit Enter: "net user administrator /active:yes".  You should see the message saying "command completed successfully".

Step 3: Launch Start Menu once again and right-click on user-account title at the top-left of the screen. Then click Sign-out.

Step 4: At the login screen, log into the Administrator account and you will return to the Desktop of that user profile.

Step 5: Locate and run the .exe file for the program which you want to install.

Step 6: As you have already logged into the Administrator account, the Smartscreen protection will be disabled and the installation should complete successfully.

Step 7: After you have completed the installation, just log back into your regular account after logging out of the Admin account.