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I just bought Legacy Deluxe but didn't get a deluxe customer number

Author: Reference Number: AA-00602 Views: 70981 Created: 2013-11-22 03:36 PM Last Updated: 2019-05-21 10:31 AM 0 Rating/ Voters

If you ordered Legacy Deluxe online, your Deluxe Customer Number will be emailed to you by 5:00 p.m. PST the following business day. (We are closed weekends and major U.S. holidays.) If you lost your Deluxe Customer Number please contact us.  The Deluxe Customer number is sent to the email address you provide, so make sure it is correct.

Please check your Inbox and Deleted messages. Also check your Spam folder. There have been instances where a spam filter has diverted our messages by marking them as spam.  

You may wish to read How to unlock Legacy Deluxe.