I have missing media files (pictures and documents, etc. that are supposed to be attached to my family file).
As you add pictures, sound and video files, and other multimedia files, Legacy keeps track of their names and where they are located. If you ever move the location of your media files, the link is broken and will need to be reestablished. This can happen if you move to a new computer with a different folder arrangement or if you manually move or consolidate your media files on your current computer. In any case, Legacy's Media Relinker can automatically find and relink all of your media files for you.
1. Click on Tools at the top of the program and click Media Relinker.

2. When the Media Relinker first starts, the first thing it needs to do is to collect the names and locations of every media file on your computer. This can take a few minutes and a progress bar is displayed to show you how long it will take. You can speed the search by clicking the Drives to Search button if your media is located on only one drive.

3. After the global media list is built, Legacy then checks all of your media links in the current family file. You can view the list of missing files if you wish.

4. After reviewing the list, close it. Legacy will then search for the missing media. If it finds the missing item, you may be able to speed up the relinking process by clicking the middle This is the correct file. Link to this one and any others found in the same folder hierarchy button.

5. When done Legacy will display a "Congratulations" message.

6. Additional information is available by clicking the Help button.