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Error 48 - Error in loading DLL

Author: Reference Number: AA-00702 Views: 91814 Created: 2013-12-10 11:45 AM Last Updated: 2017-04-18 06:49 AM 100 Rating/ 2 Voters

Error 48:  This error means one of the installation files is missing or the system registry has been corrupted. There is more than one trigger for this error. Here are the most common ones:

• The DLL or referenced DLL is not in a directory specified in the path.
The presence of orphan keys in the registry can cause error 48. An orphan registry key is one that refers to a file no longer present at the specified location. When you install Legacy, the setup checks in the Windows' registry for any presence of files it must install. If the computer says there is a key corresponding to a file, the setup then skips that file when installing.

Consequently, if this file is not actually present where Windows says it is, then it will remain absent even when the Legacy setup program has run.

1. Most users with Error 48 have discovered that the DAO360.DLL file was missing from the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder (for 64-bit computers) or the C:\Windows\System32 folder (for 32-bit computers).  Copying DAO360.DLL from the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\microsoft shared\DAO folder into the C:\Windows\SysWOW64 folder and the C:\Windows\System32 folder fixes the problem. (Make sure Legacy is closed when you do this and your computer will probably ask for Administrative approval when you copy the file, so give it.)

Try Legacy again. It should now run without errors. Congratulations, you can stop here.

If you continue to have problems

1. One user with DLL problems on his computer used Microsoft's System File Checker to fix his computer and Legacy. See for more information. The following files were shown to be a problem:


MSVBVM60.DLL (In C:\Windows\System32)

MSVBVM60.DLL (In C:\Windows\SysWOW64)

The eight top files are Windows system files and are not installed by Legacy.  This indicated a Windows problem and they were repaired with the System File Checker. The bottom four files (including DAO360.DLL) are installed by Legacy. A successful re-installation of Legacy Family Tree was then done

2. Make sure that your Windows operating system has all Service Packs installed. Use the Windows Update tool in the Control Panel.

3. Legacy uses the MS Jet Database Engine that is used by Microsoft Access. See the articles, which may help with DAO360.DLL problems:

4. Please uninstall Legacy Family Tree completely. Please visit Uninstall - how to do a complete and totally clean removal of Legacy. Next re-install your Legacy program. Please visit and and download Legacy Standard (free) which has the Deluxe features hidden inside it and does not require you to buy the program again. Use your Legacy customer number to unlock the Deluxe features.

5. Try Legacy again. If it still does not work install Legacy on a another computer if you have one. Or, wipe your hard drive clean, re-install your Windows operating system, re-install Legacy and restore your data.